California Lilac Millerton Point
With its creamy-white flowers and mid-green foliage, Ceanothus Millerton Point is unlike the usual blue California lilacs, and is a lovely choice for a large garden in very mild areas. It is a large, vigorous, evergreen shrub with an upright, bushy, spreading habit. The ovate, finely toothed leaves are mid-green and glossy, a lovely foil for the flowers. These are borne in May and June, and are pure white, with golden stamens, giving a creamy effect. California lilac Millerton Point needs a warm, sheltered, frost-free position.
Site: Sheltered
Soil: Light, well-drained, neutral to alkaline soil
Position: Full sun
Season of interest: Late spring and early summer in particular
Hardiness: Frost-tender
Height: up to 20’ (6m) Spread: 20’ (6m)